we are fangohr, llc. For 20 years, we’ve turned ideas into apps, objects, & businesses — because we like to.

we are fangohr, llc. For 20 years, we’ve turned ideas into apps, objects, & businesses — because we like to.

we are fangohr, llc. For 20 years, we’ve turned ideas into apps, objects, & businesses — because we like to.


We obsess. When the project is right. When the client is the right fit. Here are some things to consider:

1. We like smart clients

Without your involvement, ideas, and criticism, the best is not attainable.

2. We can’t work wonders for everyone

We commit to projects when we believe in the idea.

3. Use our experience

We’ve been doing this for years.

4. We aren’t tools

We are problem solvers. Give us time and space to find good answers. 

5. Have convictions

If you are indecisive and ambivalent, we can only offer a compromised project. 

6. We work to hit your deadlines

Pay us on time.